
These sweet little foster babies that we’ve had since March 1 are leaving us on Wednesday to move in with some of their relatives. This is the answer we were waiting and hoping for when you all joined in the prayers yesterday.

The big “risk” in foster care is having to get attached to little ones and then say goodbye. It’s a fear you carry with you when you sign up, and now here we are facing it. Just as He’s done every day, God is giving us the manna for today – the peace, the comfort, the joy, the confidence.

I know some people have to say goodbye to their babies and watch them go back home to parents who, although biological, seem less “good” – less capable, less loving, less wealthy, less educated. This is not our situation, and I recognize that makes this way easier. The relatives our babies are going to are kind, wise, capable, hard-working, Jesus-loving people. They know these babies and the babies know them. We fully support this move.

For the next while (months at least), the babies will still be in foster care with their relatives as their parents try to get healthy and strong again. But we are so happy that these two little ones, if foster care ends and they are adopted, will not have to leave their family completely. They will still get to remain with relatives who have known them and loved them their whole lives.

I have many feelings, as I’m sure you could guess. It’s important to me that my experience doing foster care provides, among other things, a real-time experience that you can follow along with so the idea of doing foster care won’t be so foreign. I sincerely want so many of you to sign up for this. My worker told me yesterday they have 1 family for every 3 children that need one. There is no reason that should be true.

I’ll post more over the next days about my feelings and thoughts. In the meantime, thank you for praying yesterday. Please keep praying. Peace for us and the babies. A smooth transition next week. And that my crazy-forgetful brain will somehow magically remember to pack everything for them that I need to pack.

Photo by Brian Wolfe(y)

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