Someone asked me the other day what my favorite worship song is.
Blank stare.
How could I possibly choose just one? Or even a top three? Or top ten? So instead, here are some good songs I’ve been digging lately. In no particular order.
Oh, p.s., I could go into a very very long explanation of what, to me, worship is and what, to me, constitutes a worship song, but…I’ll spare you. You’re welcome.
{Click on the song title to give a listen.}
“Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” by Hillsong United
“Closer” by Bethel Church
“I Shall Not Want” by Audrey Assad
“The Light Between” by Brian Fraaza {I know him!…good adoption song….good rescue song.}
“Murdered Son” by John Mark McMillan
“Be Still” by The Fray
“Manifesto” by The City Harmonic
“Our Father” by Bethel Church
“Late Have I Loved You” by Gungor
“Carbon Ribs” by John Mark McMillan
“Good to Me” by Audrey Assad
“Second Chance” by Rend Collective Experiment
“We Won’t Be Shaken” by Building 429
“Oh How I Need You” by All Sons and Daughters
How about you? Any magnetize-you-to-Jesus songs you’ve been digging lately?
“Tsiolkovsky with His Ear Trumpet” photo by Ria Novosti
1 Comment
David Phelps, “Just As I Am”, get’s me every time!